It is our goal to provide a quality service to the community. We will establish high standards of training, maintenance, and conduct for each employee. We will provide the safest environment possible for each student in our care and strive to maintain our schedule of services.
Executive Director of Pupil Personnel/Student Services
Matt Compton
Assistant Transportation Director
Scott Nordheim
Administrative Asst - Transportation/Student Enrollment/Infinite Campus
Mandy Smith
Radio and television stations are informed by 6:00 a.m. when possible concerning school closings. They are also notified at least one (1) hour in advance when early dismissal is necessary. Students and parents are urged not to call the radio/television stations or school officials.
1) Weather-related announcements are sent to all local TV and radio stations.
2) School Messenger is the district's mass communication system. Weather-related messages are sent out to all students & staff via telephone, text, & e-mail, if so desired.
3) Weather-related announcements will also be posted to the main web-page.
4) The district's "Weather Plan" may be put into effect when the majority of the county roads are open and a few of the more isolated roads are still deemed unsafe for bus travel. This Weather Plan will be announced via media, school messenger, & webpage and may be accessed under the links to the right.