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Proficient Reading: 28%


Distinguished Reading: 14%


Proficient Math: 31%


Distinguished Math: 10%



Proficient Reading: 26%


Distinguished Reading: 10%


Proficient Math: 24%


Distinguished Math: 4%



Proficient Reading: 30%


Distinguished Reading: 12%


Proficient Math: 24%


Distinguished Math: 7%


Preschool/Kindergarten Registration


Preschool Registration
Kindergarten Registration




As of 2017, all children entering Kindergarten must be 5 years old by August 1st. For the 2024-25 school year, your child must be 5 years old by 8/01/2024. We are conducting Kindergarten registration online. We are, therefore, asking parents/guardians to complete the registration documents below and return to us. To access the necessary documents, parents/guardians can click on the forms below to register for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Paper copies of the registration packets are available for pick-up at the Department of Student Services as well as Northern and Southern Elementary Schools. 

Please complete and submit the documents using one of the following options: online, U.S. Mail or drop off the forms at the Department of Student Services or your child's school: Northern Elementary or Southern Elementary. To ensure the student is registered for Kindergarten, documents need to be returned by March 31, 2024 if possible.


Submitting Student Enrollment Form via Email

(NOTE: The Student Enrollment Form or Pre-school Registration Form must be opened in Adobe or equivalent. Submit button will not work in a web browser. Click Here)


If your child has met this criteria, the following items need to be completed and brought to Northern Elementary, Southern Elementary, or to the Student Services Department, in order to enroll your child for Kindergarten: (Printable Checklist)

____  Student Enrollment Form 

____  Proof of Residence (State Issued ID, Lease Agreement, Mortgage Documentation, Purchase Contract, Utility Bill)

____  Copy of Birth Certificate

____  Kentucky Immunization Records

____  Kentucky Physical Form (Kindergarten and Sixth Grade)

____  Eye Exam by an Optometrist 

____  Dental Screening 

____  Custody Order (if applicable) 



1. Kindergarten Enrollment Packet (Click on each to download form.)

2. Health Forms 

       Kentucky Dental Form -

       Kentucky Physical -

       Kentucky Vision - Kentucky Eye Examination Form for School Entry

       Kentucky Immunization Form for School Entry -EPID230.pdf ( 

3.  Parent Resource for Kindergarten Readiness 

       Preparing for Kindergarten -

       School Readiness in Kentucky -

       99 Tips for School Readiness -





Pendleton County Preschool is available for eligible 3 and 4 year old children.  Parents/guardians who are interested in preschool for their child for the 2024-25 school year need to complete the pre-registration document below and return to us. We will contact parents/guardians to schedule a screening for their child when the next screening appointment is available. The pre-registration form is available by clicking on the link below.


Paper copies of the registration packet are available for pick-up at the Board of Education Office.  For a list of forms that are required for registration click here


Please complete and submit pre-registration form using one of the following options: online, U.S. Mail or drop off the form at the Board of Education Office, 2525 Hwy 27 N., Falmouth, Ky 41040 between the hours of 7:30 am - 4:00 pm. 


For more information pertaining to Pre-school, visit their website by Clicking Here.


Forms -  Pre-School Registration



Southern Elementary School

320 Fairgrounds Road   

Falmouth, KY 41040   

(859) 654-6981


Northern Elementary School

925 KY Hwy 177   

Butler, KY  41006 

 (859) 472-7341     


Department of Student Services


6762 Hwy 27 N.

Butler, KY 41006

(859) 654-4981