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Proficient Reading: 31%


Distinguished Reading: 18%


Proficient Math: 39%


Distinguished Math: 12%



Proficient Reading: 33%


Distinguished Reading: 7%


Proficient Math: 19%


Distinguished Math: 3%



Proficient Reading: 22%


Distinguished Reading: 8%


Proficient Math: 18%


Distinguished Math: 2%



Lisa Manor
Director of Curriculum and Assessment


Pendleton County Schools ensure students are achieving at high levels by using both formative and summative assessments to collect student data.  This data is used to make instructional decisions based on student needs.

For more information regarding state assessments, please visit KDE's website: 

Why give state tests?

State tests, such as the KSA tests, are given to measure how well students have learned content based on academic standards.  The test covers the areas of math, reading, writing, social studies and science.  The ACT test shows whether students are on course to graduate college-ready.  Results from these tests are used to determine where students may need help or accelerated learning opportunities and are also used for school and district accountability. ASSESSMENT CALENDAR

Local Assessment Information

Test Who Purpose/Required Use District Window Requirement Dissemination of Results
STAR K-10 Students in Reading & Math STAR is a computer adaptive assessment used to assess achievement & growth in reading & math. August, December, April District Screener Immediate
CERT 11th grade students tested in reading, math, social studies, & science.  CERT is an assessment program to help prepare students to reach college readiness. August, December, March District Screener Immediate
Common Unit Assessments K-12 CUA's are assessments given in the classroom at the end of a unit that allow teachers to assess student progress in the learning and adjust instruction based on the needs of the student. Up to 6 times per year District Assessment Immediate or within 24 hours








State Assessment Information

Test Who Purpose/Required Use State Window Requirement Dissemination of Results
Diagnostic test to measure English language acquisition for English Language Learners
State-Title III, ESSA
Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
Grades 1-12
Diagnostic test to measure English language acquisition for English Language Learners with significant cognitive disabilities.
January-February State-Title III, ESSA Fall
Brigance Kindergarten Screening Kindergarten
Provides a quick and accurate assessment of a child's development in five areas: Academic/Cognitive, Language, Development, Physical Development, Self-Help and Social-Emotional Development.
Students to be screened no more than 15 calendar days prior to the start of school and no later than the 30th instructional day of the school year. 
State  (704 KAR 5:070)                                
Within 7 Days
ACT 11th Grade
Summative college admission assessment to measure students' level of readiness for college in core academic content areas.
State (SB 158, Senate Bill 1, 2017)

Students enrolled in an AP course

Summative assessment by the college board. Students take an end of course exam and , based on their numerical score, maybe awarded college credit for the course. 
State (SB 158)
CogAT- Cognitive Abilities Test
4th Grade
Screening assessment intended to estimate students' learned reasoning and problem solving abilities through a battery of verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal test items. Used as part of screening for GT Identification
District Screener (704 KAR 3:285) Program for the Gifted and Talented
Scores available through Gifted & Talented teacher
KSA-Kentucky Summative Assessment

Math: Grades 3-8 and 10th

Reading: Grades 3-8 and 10th

Science: Grades 4th, 7th, 11th 

Social Studies: Grades 5th and 8th

Writing: Grades 5th, 8th, and 11th

KSA is a criterion-referenced test developed specifically to measure the Kentucky Academic Standards. Student performance levels (novice, apprentice, proficient and distinguished) are used to describe how well students perform to Kentucky-specific standards.
Last 14 instructional school days of the year.


SB 158 Public Release in the Fall


Tips for Test Success

  • Know when tests are scheduled and keep up with results.
  • Don’t schedule appointments, trips or other interruptions during testing.
  • Encourage your child to review beforehand and do his/her best on testing day.
  • Remind your child of the importance of reading directions carefully and not rushing through a test.
  • Review results with your child. Praise success and talk about what can be done for areas in need of improvement
  • Remind your child about the importance of test scores now and the impact they can have on his or her future.